The Pinnacle: April 2023
TallRock Capital TallRock Capital

The Pinnacle: April 2023

Discover the latest insights from The Pinnacle April 2023 newsletter, providing a comprehensive view of the current market landscape. Explore the resilience of the global economy, as positive economic data translates into gains for risk assets. Dive into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI), as it revolutionizes industries like healthcare, finance, and aerospace. Stay updated on the ongoing earnings season, gaining valuable insights into company performance and its implications for investment decisions. Don't miss out on these crucial topics shaping the investment landscape.

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The Pinnacle: March 2023
TallRock Capital TallRock Capital

The Pinnacle: March 2023

Over the first quarter of 2023 growth has been better than expected across the globe. Lower energy prices have certainly played a role in boosting sentiment along with China’s return to normal economic activity. However, the period has not been without its challenges with trouble in the banking sector as well as geopolitical tensions casting a shadow over the year so far.

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The Pinnacle: February 2023
TallRock Capital TallRock Capital

The Pinnacle: February 2023

In February, economic data led to higher bond yields and a weaker equity market, with developed market equity down 2.4% for the month due to a hawkish US Federal Reserve outlook. Silicon Valley Bank collapsed after investing large proceeds into long-term treasury bonds at lower interest rates, leading to losses as bond yields rose. Despite risks such as interest rate hikes and geopolitical tensions, positive economic data in developed regions and the re-opening of the Chinese economy offer room for optimism.

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