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Portfolio Management
Portfolio management is the art and science of selecting and overseeing a group of investments that meet the long-term financial objectives and risk tolerance of an individual or a company. This requires the ability to weigh-up strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats across the full spectrum of investments. At TallRock Capital we work on behalf of our clients, with the ultimate goal of maximising the expected return of their investments within an appropriate and agreed level of risk exposure.
Growing The Nest Egg
Your nest egg consists of the money you have saved and set aside. The investment earnings generated by this money will help grow your wealth. Your overarching goal should be to protect your nest egg by managing investment risks and utilising appropriate investment strategies throughout your saving years. There are many ways to grow a nest egg, and the best approach for any given investor will depend upon various factors such as their risk tolerance, time horizon, and the amount of principal that has been saved. These are many methods for making money grow. There are much more sophisticated techniques used by both individuals and institutions that employ alternative investments such as derivatives and other instruments that can control the amount of risk taken and amplify the possible gains that can be made.
In a nutshell we can define diversification as not putting all your eggs in one basket. Diversification is a common risk management strategy that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. A diversified portfolio contains a mix of distinct asset types and investment vehicles with the objective of reducing risk. The main idea is that a portfolio constructed of different kinds of assets will, on average, yield higher long-term returns. Studies and mathematical models have shown that maintaining a well-diversified portfolio yields the most cost-effective level of risk reduction.